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Zeitschriftenartikel zum Thema "Water Resource Management|Environmental Sciences|Biology, Limnology":


Qiu, Jane. „Safeguarding China's water resources“. National Science Review 5, Nr. 1 (01.01.2018): 102–7.

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Abstract Water is scarce in China. The country ekes by with only one-quarter of the global average for water per person. The scarcity is exacerbated by rampant pollution—with devastating consequences on ecosystems, food supply and public health. In the face of growing population, water pollution threatens the very survival of the Chinese nation. In his speech at the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China last October, President Xi Jinping repeatedly emphasized the importance to redress the balance between economic development and environmental protection. One of his most frequently cited phrases is ‘clean waters and lush mountains are gold and silver’. And he has matched his rhetoric with action. In April 2015, the State Council, China's cabinet, issued the Water Pollution and Control Action Plan (known as Shuishitiao or Water Ten Plan)—widely hailed as the toughest and most comprehensive water policy to date. Last October, it announced a five-year plan to tackle water pollution, with a budget of 700 billion yuan (US$106 billion). The country's top legislature has also revised the Water Prevention and Control Law, which will go into effect in early 2018. In a forum chaired by National Science Review’s Executive Editor-in-Chief Mu-ming Poo, a panel of experts of diverse backgrounds and perspectives discussed the current status of China's water resources, their views on the comprehensive policy package, how national initiatives have been going, what the challenges are and why information transparency and public participation are absolutely essential in environmental protection. Weijiang Liu Hydrologist at the Chinese Academy for Environmental Planning, Ministry of Environmental Protection, Beijing, China Ji Shen Environment scientist at Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing, China Chunmiao Zheng Hydrologist at Southern University of Science and Technology, Shenzhen, China Jun Ma Founder and director of the non-governmental organization Institute of Public and Environmental Affairs, Beijing, China Tao Tao Environment scientist at the College of Environmental Science and Engineering and the Key Laboratory of Yangtze River Water Environment at Tongji University, Shanghai, China Mu-ming Poo (Chair) Director, Institute of Neuroscience, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai, China

Vinh, Pham Quang, Nguyen Thi Thu Ha, Nguyen Thanh Binh, Nguyen Ngoc Thang, La Thi Oanh und Nguyen Thien Phuong Thao. „Developing algorithm for estimating chlorophyll-a concentration in the Thac Ba Reservoir surface water using Landsat 8 Imagery“. VIETNAM JOURNAL OF EARTH SCIENCES 41, Nr. 1 (08.01.2019): 10–20.

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This study aims at developing a regional algorithm to quantify chlorophyll-a concentration (Chla) in the Thac Ba Reservoir surface-water using Landsat 8 imagery basing on in-situ data of Chla and above-water reflectance taken in both dry and rainy seasons 2018. In situ datasets obtained from 30 water sampling sites show a strong correlation (R2=0.73) with the reflectance ratio of two Landsat 8 (L8) bands, the green band (band 3: B3) versus the red band (band 4: B4), B3 / B4, by an exponential equation. The algorithm for estimating Chla using this ratio was well-matched up the validation using multiple-dates in-situ datasets (R2 = 0.82; RMSE ~ 5%) and was then applied to L8 images level 2 acquired in both dry and rainy seasons to understand the spatiotemporal distribution of Chla over the reservoir. Obtained maps of Chla present clearly two trends: (1) Chla in the reservoir water in the dry season (averaged at 15.3 mg/m3) is relatively lower than those in the rainy season (averaged at 17.0 mg/m3); (2) In both seasons, Chla increased from water area in front of the Chay River mouth to the center of the reservoir. The algorithm and method outlined in this study could be applied to monitoring Chl in other inland waters having similar features as the Thac Ba Reservoir water.ReferencesAPHA, 1998. Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 20th edition. American Public Health Association, Washington DC, 1220p.Bac N.A., Viet N.D., Ha N.T.T., Huong H.T.T., 2017. Identifying eutrophication status of shallow waters based on estimated trophic state index from satellite data. Journal of Science and Technology, 55(4C), 85-89.Bernardo N., Watanabe F., Rodrigues T., Alcântara E., 2017. Atmospheric correction issues for retrieving total suspended matter concentrations in inland waters using OLI/Landsat-8 image. Advances in Space Research, 59(9), 2335-2348.Boucher J., Weathers K.C., Norouzi H., Steele B., 2018. Assessing the effectiveness of Landsat 8 chlorophyll a retrieval algorithms for regional freshwater monitoring. Ecological Applications, 28(4), 1044-1054.Carlson R.E., 1977. A trophic state index for lakes1. Limnology and oceanography, 22(2), 361-369.Carlson R.E., Simpson J., 1996. A coordinator’s guide to volunteer lake monitoring methods. North American Lake Management Society, 96, 305.DWR - Directorate of Water Resource, 2017. Report on weather conditions, water supplies, flood control and irrigations security No. 49/BC-TCTL-QLCT to Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development (in Vietnamese) on October 16th, Hanoi, Vietnam. Gholizadeh M.H., Melesse A.M., Reddi L., 2016. A comprehensive review on water quality parameters estimation using remote sensing techniques. Sensors, 16(8), 1298.Gitelson A., Stark R., Oron G., Dor I., 1997. Monitoring of polluted water bodies by remote sensing. IAHS Publications-Series of Proceedings and Reports-Intern Assoc Hydrological Sciences, 242, 181-188.Ha N.T.T., Koike K., 2011. Integrating satellite imagery and geostatistics of point samples for monitoring spatio-temporal changes of total suspended solids in bay waters: application to Tien Yen Bay (Northern Vietnam). Frontiers of Earth Science, 5(3), 305.Kutser T., 2009. Passive optical remote sensing of cyanobacteria and other intense phytoplankton blooms in coastal and inland waters. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 30(17), 4401-4425.Kutser T., 2012. The possibility of using the Landsat image archive for monitoring long time trends in coloured dissolved organic matter concentration in lake waters. Remote Sensing of Environment, 123, 334-338.Michelutti N., Blais J.M., Cumming B.F., Paterson A.M., Rühland K., Wolfe A.P., Smol J.P., 2010. Do spectrally inferred determinations of chlorophyll a reflect trends in lake trophic status?. Journal of Paleolimnology, 43(2), 205-217.Mobley C.D., 1999. Estimation of the remote-sensing reflectance from above-surface measurements. Applied Optics, 38(36), 7442-7455.Nhung P.T., Canh B.D., Ha N.T.T., Linh N.T., 2016. Modeling spatial-temporal distribution of total suspended solids concentrations in Day Estuary water using Landsat 8 Imagery. Proceeding of the 7th International Symposium Hanoi Geoengineering 2016 on Energy and Sustainability, Hanoi, October 21-22, 69-75.Olmanson L.G., Bauer M.E., Brezonik P.L., 2008. A 20-year Landsat water clarity census of Minnesota's 10,000 lakes. Remote Sensing of Environment, 112(11), 4086-4097.Padisák J., Borics G., Grigorszky I., Soroczki-Pinter E., 2006. Use of phytoplankton assemblages for monitoring ecological status of lakes within the Water Framework Directive: the assemblage index. Hydrobiologia, 553(1), 1-14.Palmer S.C., Kutser T., Hunter P.D., 2015. Remote sensing of inland waters: Challenges, progress and future directions. Remote Sens. of Environ. Special Issue: Remote Sensing of Inland Waters, 157(1), 1-8.Quang N.H., Sasaki J., Higa H., Huan N.H., 2017. Spatiotemporal Variation of Turbidity Based on Landsat 8 OLI in Cam Ranh Bay and Thuy Trieu Lagoon, Vietnam. Water, 9(8), 570.Son N.H., Anh B.T, Thuy N.T.T, 2000. Investigation of the Fisheries in Farmer-Managed Small Reservoir in Thai Nguyen and Yen Bai Province. Proceedings of an International Workshop on Reservoir and Culture-based Fisheries: Biology and Management. Bangkok, Thailand 15-18 February, 246-257.Tebbs E.J., Remedios J.J., Harper D.M., 2013. Remote sensing of chlorophyll-a as a measure of cyanobacterial biomass in Lake Bogoria, a hypertrophic, saline-alkaline, flamingo lake, using Landsat ETM+. Remote Sensing of Environment, 135, 92-106.Thuy D.B., Canh B.D., Ha N.T.T., Thao N.T.P., Nhi B.T., 2016. Modeling spatial distribution of total suspended solids concentration in Ha Long Bay water during the first quarter of 2016 using co-kriging interpolation and auxiliary data from Landsat 8 imagery. Proceeding of the 7th International Symposium Hanoi Geoengineering 2016 on Energy and Sustainability, Hanoi, October 21-22, 148-153.Tiwari S.P., Shanmugam P., Ahn Y.H., Ryu J.H., 2012. A Reflectance Model for Relatively Clear and Turbid Waters. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research, 3(1), 325-337.UNEP, 2014. Review of existing water quality guidelines for freshwater ecosystems and application of water quality guidelines on basin level to protect ecosystems. Technical background document for theme 1: “Water Quality and Ecosystem Health”. First International Environment Forum for Basin Organizations towards Sustainable Freshwater Governance, 26-28 November 2014, Nairobi, Kenya.US Environmental Protection Agency, 2009. National lakes assessment: a collaborative survey of the nation's lakes, 103p.Vermote E., Justice C., Claverie M., Franch B., 2016. Preliminary analysis of the performance of the Landsat 8/OLI land surface reflectance product. Remote Sensing of Environment, 185, 46-56.Watanabe F., Alcantara E., Rodrigues T., Rotta L., Bernardo N., Imai N., 2018. Remote sensing of the chlorophyll-a based on OLI/Landsat-8 and MSI/Sentinel-2A (Barra Bonita reservoir, Brazil). Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências, 90(2), 1987-2000.Yang Z., Anderson Y., 2016. Estimating chlorophyll-a concentration in a freshwater lake using Landsat 8 Imagery. J. Environ. Earth Sci., 6(4), 134-142.

Fu, Aihong, Weihong Li, Yi Wang und Yifei Bai. „Basic and target eco-environment water requirements of a dry inland river under typical flow frequencies in China“. PeerJ 8 (02.01.2020): e8285.

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Analysis of eco-environmental water requirements (EEWRs) and water resource allocation strategies for arid, inland river basins can provide the theoretical basis for sustainable water utilization and management. In this paper, an optimal water resource allocation strategy is proposed for Yarkand River Basin in Xinjiang, China, on the basis of a comprehensive analysis of runoff data collected between 1970 and 2016, three ecological environmental protection goals, basic eco-environmental water requirement (BEEWR) aimed at sustaining aquatic ecosystems within the river, and target eco-environmental water requirements (TEEWR) aimed at protecting various types of riparian vegetation along the river. The results showed that: (1) after the runoff in Kaqun reach subtracting the BEEWR, the annual average river loss (recharge), and the amount of water diversion for irrigation (51.43 × 108 m3) from flows along the Kaqun reach, the remaining water volume during wet years was able to meet all three TEEWRs; (2) during moderately wet years, the remaining water was capable of meeting the second and third TEEWRs; and (3) during dry and extremely dry years, there was little or no residual water available to meet TEEWRs. The proposed optimal water resource allocation strategy, based on the above findings, states that the water diversion requirement for irrigation and domestic use allocated from the total amount of runoff should not exceed the National Water Policy (Three Red Lines) standard first. Then, the BEEWR allocated from the runoff should be met second, and the annual average river loss, third. Depending on the amount of remaining water, the second and third TEEWRs can be fulfilled during wet years, but during moderately wet years, only the third TEEWR can be met. During dry and extremely dry years, only the BEEWR of the river can be met and only during the flood season.

Zhang, Zhimin, Fei Zhang, Jinglong Du, Dechao Chen und Weiwei Zhang. „Impacts of land use at multiple buffer scales on seasonal water quality in a reticular river network area“. PLOS ONE 16, Nr. 1 (06.01.2021): e0244606.

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The assessment and prediction of regional water quality are fundamental inputs to environmental planning and watershed ecological management. This paper explored spatiotemporal changes in the correlation of water quality parameters (WQPs) and land-use types (LUTs) in a reticular river network area. Water samples of 44 sampling sites were collected every quarter from 2016 to 2018 and evaluated for dissolved oxygen (DO), total phosphorus (TP), ammonia nitrogen (NH3-N), and permanganate index (CODMn). A redundancy analysis (RDA) and stepwise multiple linear regression (SMLR) were applied to analyze the land-use type impacts on seasonal WQPs at five buffer scales (100, 200, 500, 800, and 1000 m). The Kruskal–Wallis test results revealed significant seasonal differences in NH3-N, TP, CODMn, and DO. The area percentages of farmland, water area and built-up land in the study area were 38.96%, 22.75% and16.20%, respectively, for a combined total area percentage of nearly 80%. Our study showed that orchard land had an especially favorable influence on WQPs. Land-use type impacts on WQPs were more significant during the dry season than the wet season. The total variation explained by LUTs regarding WQPs at the 1 km buffer scale was slightly stronger than at smaller buffer scales. Built-up land had a negative effect on WQPs, but orchard and forest-grassland had a positive effect on WQPs. The effects of water area and farmland on WQPs were complex on different buffer scales. These findings are helpful for improving regional water resource management and environmental planning.

Smith, Jansen A., John C. Handley und Gregory P. Dietl. „Effects of dams on downstream molluscan predator–prey interactions in the Colorado River estuary“. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 285, Nr. 1879 (30.05.2018): 20180724.

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River systems worldwide have been modified for human use and the downstream ecological consequences are often poorly understood. In the Colorado River estuary, where upstream water diversions have limited freshwater input during the last century, mollusc remains from the last several hundred years suggest widespread ecological change. The once abundant clam Mulinia modesta has undergone population declines of approximately 94% and populations of predators relying on this species as a food source have probably declined, switched to alternative prey species or both. We distinguish between the first two hypotheses using a null model of predation preference to test whether M. modesta was preyed upon selectively by the naticid snail, Neverita reclusiana , along the estuary's past salinity gradient. To evaluate the third hypothesis, we estimate available prey biomass today and in the past, assuming prey were a limiting resource. Data on the frequency of drill holes—identifiable traces of naticid predation on prey shells—showed several species, including M. modesta , were preferred prey. Neverita reclusiana was probably able to switch prey. Available prey biomass also declined, suggesting the N. reclusiana population probably also declined. These results indicate a substantial change to the structure of the benthic food web. Given the global scale of water management, such changes have probably also occurred in many of the world's estuaries.

Pretty, Jules. „Agricultural sustainability: concepts, principles and evidence“. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 363, Nr. 1491 (25.07.2007): 447–65.

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Concerns about sustainability in agricultural systems centre on the need to develop technologies and practices that do not have adverse effects on environmental goods and services, are accessible to and effective for farmers, and lead to improvements in food productivity. Despite great progress in agricultural productivity in the past half-century, with crop and livestock productivity strongly driven by increased use of fertilizers, irrigation water, agricultural machinery, pesticides and land, it would be over-optimistic to assume that these relationships will remain linear in the future. New approaches are needed that will integrate biological and ecological processes into food production, minimize the use of those non-renewable inputs that cause harm to the environment or to the health of farmers and consumers, make productive use of the knowledge and skills of farmers, so substituting human capital for costly external inputs, and make productive use of people's collective capacities to work together to solve common agricultural and natural resource problems, such as for pest, watershed, irrigation, forest and credit management. These principles help to build important capital assets for agricultural systems: natural; social; human; physical; and financial capital. Improving natural capital is a central aim, and dividends can come from making the best use of the genotypes of crops and animals and the ecological conditions under which they are grown or raised. Agricultural sustainability suggests a focus on both genotype improvements through the full range of modern biological approaches and improved understanding of the benefits of ecological and agronomic management, manipulation and redesign. The ecological management of agroecosystems that addresses energy flows, nutrient cycling, population-regulating mechanisms and system resilience can lead to the redesign of agriculture at a landscape scale. Sustainable agriculture outcomes can be positive for food productivity, reduced pesticide use and carbon balances. Significant challenges, however, remain to develop national and international policies to support the wider emergence of more sustainable forms of agricultural production across both industrialized and developing countries.

Deka, Surobhi. „Statistical analysis of long-term rainfall trends in Cherrapunji, Meghalaya, India“. Journal of Applied and Natural Science 13, Nr. 1 (25.02.2021): 170–77.

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Rainfall is the key climatic variable that governs the regional hydrologic cycle and availability of water resources. Rainfall trend analysis in a localized watershed can improve many aspects of water resource management not only to the catchment itself but also to some of the related other catchments. The trend analysis of monthly rainfall data over Cherrapunji of Meghalaya in India for the period 1872-2007 has been carried out in this work. While the magnitude of the trend in the time series has been determined using Sen's estimator, the significance of the trend in monthly rainfall series has been tested using Mann-Kendall test. During the time span 1872-2007, an increasing trend has been found in the monthly rainfall for the months July, October and November, and a decreasing trend has been found in the monthly rainfall for the months February to June, August and September. On the other hand, it was found that none of Mann-Kendall Z values was significant at 5% level of significance. Therefore, from Mann-Kendall Z test, it can be concluded that there is no trend in any month in monthly rainfall for the station Cherrapunji. For the better assessment of the temporal variation in monthly rainfall trend, whole period was divided into two halves, 1872-1939 and 1940-2007. Then, trend magnitude through Sen's estimator and Mann-Kendall Z for test of significance were determined for these two time periods separately. The analysis of trends of monthly rainfall in these two halves showed large variability in the magnitude and direction of the trend in various months from one half to another. Accurate prediction of trends in monthly rainfall is an important aspect of climate research and we believe that present study could provide a scope to correlate between current rainfall trend and climate change scenario of the study area.

Segura-Cobeña, Eduardo, Joanna Alfaro-Shigueto, Jeffrey Mangel, Angel Urzua und Konrad Górski. „Stable isotope and fatty acid analyses reveal significant differences in trophic niches of smooth hammerhead Sphyrna zygaena (Carcharhiniformes) among three nursery areas in northern Humboldt Current System“. PeerJ 9 (22.04.2021): e11283.

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Fishery pressure on nursery areas of smooth hammerhead in northern Peruvian coast have become a serious threat to sustainability of this resource. Even though, some management actions focused on conservation of the smooth hammerhead populations were proposed in recent years, their scientific foundations are often limited, and biomass of smooth hammerhead in Peruvian waters continues to decrease. To inform management and conservation, this study aims to evaluate the trophic niche of smooth hammerhead juveniles from three nursery areas in the northern Peruvian coast using stable isotope and fatty acid analyses. First, we compared the environmental characteristics of each nursery area (i.e., sea surface temperature and chlorophyll-a concentration) and concluded that nursery areas differed significantly and consistently in sea surface temperature. Subsequently, we evaluated isotopic composition of carbon and nitrogen and fatty acid profiles of muscle and liver tissues collected from juvenile smooth hammerhead from each nursery area. We found that juvenile smooth hammerhead captured in San José were enriched in heavier 13C and 15N isotopes compared to those captured in Máncora and Salaverry. Furthermore, the broadest isotopic niches were observed in juveniles from Máncora, whereas isotopic niches of juveniles from Salaverry and San José were narrower. This difference is primarily driven by the Humboldt Current System and associated upwelling of cold and nutrient rich water that drives increased primary production in San José and, to a less extent, in Salaverry. Compared to smooth hammerhead juveniles from Máncora, those from San José and Salaverry were characterised by higher essential fatty acid concentrations related to pelagic and migratory prey. We conclude that smooth hammerhead juveniles from three nursery areas in the northern Peruvian coast differ significantly in their trophic niches. Thus, management and conservation efforts should consider each nursery area as a unique juvenile stock associated with a unique ecosystem and recognize the dependence of smooth hammerhead recruitment in San José and Salaverry on the productivity driven by the Humboldt Current System.

Puri, Veiga, Moreira Juan, Ramos-Oliveira Catarina, Sampaio Leandro und Marcos Rubal. „Public perception of ecosystem services provided by the Mediterranean mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis related to anthropogenic activities“. PeerJ 9 (15.09.2021): e11975.

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Background Mussels provide many ecosystem services as habitat, food, water filtration and recreational fishing. However, mussels are vulnerable to anthropogenic pressures such as harvesting or trampling, among others. In this frame, it would be paramount to engage society in marine conservation and improving its awareness about environmental policies. The first step lies in properly assessing what is the perception and concerns of society about marine ecosystems. Our study aims to fill this gap by examining public perception of services provided by Mytilus galloprovincialis, its state of conservation and the factors (including anthropogenic activities) shaping mussel beds. Methods This study is based on a face-to-face survey consisting of seven open-ended and seven multiple-choice questions of 404 people conducted in 2019 at different shores in the North Portuguese coast. The influence of respondent profile in terms of age, education, gender and place of residence was also assessed. Results Most of the participants in our survey (74%) considered that mussels contributed to human well-being and life quality; however, only 31% considered that mussels provide us with many benefits. Regarding the perceived state of mussel services, most of the respondents asserted that mussel services (purification of seawater, habitat, food for other species) worsened in the last 10 years. In contrast, the service as human food was perceived as in an identical state and scientific and traditional knowledge was the only service perceived in a better state. Concerning the state of mussel beds, most of the participants perceived it as good (45%) but a similar percentage (41%) asserted ignoring it. When considering the influence of different factors on mussel beds, only environmental management was considered as having a positive impact by a higher percentage of respondents. The majority of the participants considered that factors included in the questionnaire contributed to worsen mussel beds, ranging between 51% for coastal erosion and 90% for pollution. Education level and age were the main socio-economic factors driving public awareness about the importance of mussel services, its state of conservation and the factors shaping mussel beds. Discussion Results showed that perception about the importance of mussels for human well-being and the quantity of delivered benefits increased with the education level. Moreover, older people perceived human food as the most important service offered by mussels. Therefore, our results suggest that mussels are mainly known as food resource; however, most of the people ignore their relevant ecological role and the many other benefits that mussels provide. Thus, it is necessary to actively engage society about importance of mussel beds. As M. galloprovincialis is a relevant economic resource, our data could improve the diffusion of knowledge among citizens, stakeholders and scientists, contributing to its sustainability.

Zarco-Perello, Salvador, und Nuno Simões. „Ordinary kriging vs inverse distance weighting: spatial interpolation of the sessile community of Madagascar reef, Gulf of Mexico“. PeerJ 5 (30.11.2017): e4078.

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Information about the distribution and abundance of the habitat-forming sessile organisms in marine ecosystems is of great importance for conservation and natural resource managers. Spatial interpolation methodologies can be useful to generate this information from in situ sampling points, especially in circumstances where remote sensing methodologies cannot be applied due to small-scale spatial variability of the natural communities and low light penetration in the water column. Interpolation methods are widely used in environmental sciences; however, published studies using these methodologies in coral reef science are scarce. We compared the accuracy of the two most commonly used interpolation methods in all disciplines, inverse distance weighting (IDW) and ordinary kriging (OK), to predict the distribution and abundance of hard corals, octocorals, macroalgae, sponges and zoantharians and identify hotspots of these habitat-forming organisms using data sampled at three different spatial scales (5, 10 and 20 m) in Madagascar reef, Gulf of Mexico. The deeper sandy environments of the leeward and windward regions of Madagascar reef were dominated by macroalgae and seconded by octocorals. However, the shallow rocky environments of the reef crest had the highest richness of habitat-forming groups of organisms; here, we registered high abundances of octocorals and macroalgae, with sponges, Millepora alcicornis and zoantharians dominating in some patches, creating high levels of habitat heterogeneity. IDW and OK generated similar maps of distribution for all the taxa; however, cross-validation tests showed that IDW outperformed OK in the prediction of their abundances. When the sampling distance was at 20 m, both interpolation techniques performed poorly, but as the sampling was done at shorter distances prediction accuracies increased, especially for IDW. OK had higher mean prediction errors and failed to correctly interpolate the highest abundance values measured in situ, except for macroalgae, whereas IDW had lower mean prediction errors and high correlations between predicted and measured values in all cases when sampling was every 5 m. The accurate spatial interpolations created using IDW allowed us to see the spatial variability of each taxa at a biological and spatial resolution that remote sensing would not have been able to produce. Our study sets the basis for further research projects and conservation management in Madagascar reef and encourages similar studies in the region and other parts of the world where remote sensing technologies are not suitable for use.

Dissertationen zum Thema "Water Resource Management|Environmental Sciences|Biology, Limnology":


Brueggen-Boman, Teresa R. „Effect of implementing best management practices on water and habitat quality in the Upper Strawberry River Watershed, Fulton County, Arkansas, USA“. Arkansas State University, 2013.

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Crouch, Ryan T. „Adding value to upground drinking water reservoirs: what makes a good yellow perch (Perca flavescens) fishery?“ Bowling Green State University / OhioLINK, 2011.

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Loew, Teagan K. „Improvement to Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Measurements and Monitoring by Satellite Remote Sensing Applications“. Bowling Green State University / OhioLINK, 2012.

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Kennedy, Matthew R. „The Role of Microzooplankton and Mesozooplankton Grazing During the Planktothrix-Dominated Cyanobacterial Blooms in Sandusky Bay, Lake Erie“. Bowling Green State University / OhioLINK, 2020.

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Bonini, Nick. „Comparison of VNIR Derivative and Visible Fluorescence Spectroscopy Methods for Pigment Estimation in an Estuarine Ecosystem: Old Woman Creek, Huron, Ohio“. Kent State University / OhioLINK, 2013.

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Bonini, Nick. „Assessing the Variability of Phytoplankton Assemblages in Old Woman Creek, Ohio“. Kent State University / OhioLINK, 2016.

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Rodriguez-Palacios, Alexander. „Ecology and Epidemiology of Human Pathogen Clostridium difficile in Foods, Food Animals and Wildlife“. The Ohio State University, 2011.

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Caldwell, Timothy J. „Effects of Climate and Water Use on the Ecology of Mountain Lakes and Rivers in the Western United States“. Thesis, University of Nevada, Reno, 2019.

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Climate change and over-use of natural resources impacts ecosystems worldwide. Understanding physical impacts from climate and natural resource use on biological processes at multiple scales of spatial and ecological organization is needed to make useful predictions under global change scenarios. Mountain aquatic ecosystems are of particular concern because they are sensitive to climate change, represent hot spots of biodiversity, and they integrate atmospheric, terrestrial and aquatic processes into biological responses. The objective of this dissertation is to quantify physical impacts and biological responses of climate and water use on mountain aquatic ecosystems in the Western United States. In Chapter 1, I developed a data set of ice break-up dates using remote sensing techniques for mountain lakes across the Sierra and Cascade Mountain Ranges coupled with downscaled climate data to quantify drivers of lake ice phenology. I developed a predictive linear mixed effects model and used and ensemble of 15 global climate models to project changes in lake ice break-up dates through the 21st century. The results suggest that low snowpack and increased energy fluxes associated with elevated air temperatures drive earlier ice break-up dates. Projections of ice break-up show that ice break-up will be 61 ± 5 days if greenhouse gas emissions are not reduced. In Chapter 2, I analyzed specific ecological responses to earlier ice break-up dates in Castle Lake, California (a natural, sub-alpine lake). I predicted that consumer (Brook Trout; Salvelinus fontinalis) energetics and habitat use would be regulated by either climate driven water temperature or variation in food availability. The data suggest that earlier ice break-up results in a longer duration of surface water temperatures > 15 °C, coupled with decreased and increased food production in the pelagic and littoral zones, respectively. Isotopic and telemetry data showed that consumer resources and habitat use were driven by water temperature and were independent of food availability. In early ice break-up years, consumers grew less because they were thermally excluded from productive littoral zones when water temperatures were warmer for longer periods of time relative to late ice break-up years. In Chapter 3, I demonstrate that decreased streamflow in mountain rivers can reduce abundance and size structure of food supply to drift foraging Rainbow Trout (Onchorhynchus mykiss). In response to changes in streamflow and food availability, trout abandoned their energetically profitable drift foraging strategy and actively searched for prey. The shift in foraging behavior resulted in negative bioenergetic efficiencies in flow impaired sites. Taken collectively this research demonstrates that both predictable and unpredictable consequences of physical change drive biological responses across spatial gradients, ecosystem types, and levels of ecological organization.


Hartung, Erik Walter. „Aging bioretention cells: Do they still function to improve water quality?“ Kent State University / OhioLINK, 2017.

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Bücher zum Thema "Water Resource Management|Environmental Sciences|Biology, Limnology":


Song, Yigang. Sediment-water interactions in anoxic freshwater sediments: Mobility of heavy metals and nutrients. Berlin: Springer, 1999.

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APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO und andere Zitierweisen

Verhoeven, J. T. A. Wetlands and Natural Resource Management (Ecological Studies Book 190). Springer, 2006.

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G, Lyon J., Hrsg. GIS for water resources and watershed management. London: Taylor & Francis, 2003.

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Song, Yigang, und German Müller. Sediment-Water Interactions in Anoxic Freshwater Sediments: Mobility of Heavy Metals and Nutrients (Lecture Notes in Earth Sciences). Springer, 1998.

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APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO und andere Zitierweisen

van Eeten, Michel J. G., und Emery Roe. Ecology, Engineering, and Management. Oxford University Press, 2002.

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APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO und andere Zitierweisen
Ecology, Engineering, and the Paradox of Management is the first book that addresses and reconciles what many take to be the core paradox facing environmental decision-makers and stakeholders: How do they restore the environment while at the same time provide ever more services reliably from that environment, including clean air, water and energy for more and more people? The book provides a conceptual framework, empirical case analyses, and organizational proposals to resolve the paradox, be it in the US, Europe, or elsewhere. Thus, Ecology, Engineering, and the Paradox of Management has multiple audiences. First are the key professions involved in the protection and improvement of ecosystems and in the provision and delivery of services from those ecosystems. These include ecologists (and other natural scientists such as conservation biologists, climatologists, forest scientists, and toxicologists), engineers (as well as hydrologists, environmental engineers, civil engineers, and line operators), modeling and gaming experts, managers, planners, and power, agriculture, and recreation communities. Another audience includes university researchers in ecology, conservation biology, engineering, the policy sciences, and resource management. Those interested in interdisciplinary approaches in these fields will also find the book especially helpful. Finally, those interested in the Everglades, the Columbia River Basin, San Francisco Bay-Delta, and the Green Heart of western Netherlands will find new insights here, as the book provides a detailed examination of the paradox in each of these cases.

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